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22 February 2020

22 feb 2020

Dear Friends,
On this day in history in 1857, was born Robert Baden-Powell and this day in history in 1889 was born Olave Baden-Powell. Hence, the couple’s joint birthday, 22nd February, is commemorated as Founder’s Day by the Scouts and as World Thinking Day by the Girl Scouts / Girl Guides.

We all remember the Scout and Guide Spirit Flame back in 2007. The Flame that was lit on February 22nd at the grave of Robert and Olave Baden-Powell in Nyeri, Kenya, by ISGF, and brought through nine (9) countries to the World Scout Jamboree in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2007.

It was at this event that many National Scout and Guide Fellowships (NSGFs) and also some National Scout and Guide organisations got excellent media coverage, which resulted in raising the total memberships. Especially in Kenya and Ethiopia, the Scout and Guide Spirit Flame march marked a breakthrough in the interest in Scouts and Guides. Completing this march was and still is our greatest challenge in the history of ISGF.

The 2020 World Thinking Day theme is “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. This year’s theme highlights the diversity, equity and inclusion reflected in the Girl Scout and Girl Guide movement and calls attention to the ways that girls work to make their communities more diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Therefore, the World Committee and World Bureau would like to say thank you to all ISGF members for entrusting us to lead the world most representative multilateral body. Your endorsement of us is also an endorsement of the role which ISGF has played for the past 67 years.
We will do our utmost to represent each of your countries in a fair and open manner, with your cooperation. We are confident that we can make substantial and meaningful progress. Let this year 2020 be a year where we can have a good and happy gathering at the World Conference 2020 in August in Madrid, Spain. Let’s move towards that vision, through the spirit of global solidarity and with a renewed commitment to actions. ISGF brings together diverse cultures and religions but with similar aspiration. In making the world a better place to live, as Baden-Powell’s message - “leave the world better than you found it.”

On behalf of the World Committee and the World Bureau, have a happy Founder’s Day and World Thinking Day.

Zalillah Mohd Taib
Chairman ISGF World Committee
International Scout and Guide Fellowship

pdf 2020 - 22 February message (154 KB)

pdf 2020 - Argentina 22 February (105 KB)

pdf 2020 - Austria 22 February (726 KB)

pdf 2020 - Europe Region 22 February (423 KB)

pdf 2020 - Western Hemishpere Region 22 February (664 KB)

  pdf 2020 - Germany 22 February (1.47 MB)