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Sub-region Maghreb is born

foundation maghreb

Within the ISGF Arab Region the Maghreb sub region is born.
A national Constitutive assembly took place in Tunis on 22 May 2015 with the participation of the representatives of the four ISGF Maghreb NSGFs, namely the NSGF of , Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, with the presence of Mida Rodrigues, Chair of the ISGF World Committee.
After an exchange of views, the following resolutions were decided on:

  • Unanimous adoption of the Constitution of the new structure: ‘the Maghreb Union of Adult Scouts and Guides’
  • The creation of the executive committee composed of one representative from each NSGF, of a Chairman and of a Secretary General
  • The planned meeting of the Committee in October or November 2015 in Morocco on the occasion of the XV Med.

With best wishes for the success of the Maghreb NSGFs within the ISGF Arab Region.

Member NSGF Libya
Hopefully we will see soon conferences and workshops in Maghareb countries . The main thing is to start .IT IS NEVER TOO LATE
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