Announcement 30th Nordic Baltic Gathering
The National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Iceland (St. Georgs Gildin à Islandi) will organize the 30th Nordic Baltic sub-regional gathering but will follow the development of Covid-19 closely. It has been decided recently to postpone the Gathering to 2022.
When: 26 – 30 May 2022
Where: Selfoss is the largest residential town in southern Iceland on the banks of the Ölfusá river.
It is the main hub of trade and industry. The Icelandic Route 1 runs through the town on its way between Hveragerði and Hella.
Venue: Hotel Selfoss, Eyravegur 800, Selfoss, Iceland
Theme: Icelandic nature/ earthquakes/ eruption etc.
Costs: Gathering package inclusive accommodation based in double room: 98,550 ISK (€614) per person
Costs: Gathering package inclusive accommodation based in single room: 122,550 ISK (€763)
Costs; Gathering package without accommodation: 42,050 ISK (€262)
Deadline registration: 31 December 2021
Registration: online see this link or sending form as PDF to
Activities: see enclosed programme + extra excursion to Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plan 4000 ISK (€25)
More info: Kristin B. Jónsdóttir
pdf 2022 Agenda 30th NBSR Gathering Iceland (114 KB)
document 2022 Registration form 30th NBSR Gathering (89 KB)