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Online Toast meeting new NSGFs of Western Hemisphere Region

wh screen shot toasting

On 22 May 2022 the Western Hemisphere Region organized an online toast meeting. Four (4) members from each new NSGF in this region were invited to a short meeting.

They wanted to celebrate the success of 7 new NSGFs in this region (Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela) who became a Fellowship during the online 29th ISGF World Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Argentina already affiliated in 2014 but worked very hard to become a full member.
There were welcome words from the WH Region Committee and from Vanessa Hoogenbergen, Vice-Chairman World Committee and liaison for WH. Also Leny Doelman, Central Branch Coordinator explained that despite the difficult time due to the Corona pandemic, everybody worked very hard towards affiliation.
Some new NSGFs explained that they were extremely honored to be a NSGF and with that status they are even more accepted in their country.
At the end everyone was invited to toast for the job well-done.

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