Campaign toys for refugee children by French Fellowship
Some sixty persons of the Paris region coming from the five associations members of the French National Scout and Guide Fellowship, FAAS, met on 21st October 2012 to celebrate Fellowship Day. Some other celebrations of this Fellowship Day occurred in different places in France.
The programme was substantial : game, songs, presentation of the festivities which are prepared for the 90th anniversary of Eclaireuses Eclaireurs Israélites de France (the Jewish association) and which will take place in 2013, reading the message of the Chairman of the ISGF World Committee and of the Chairman of FAAS (“who are we ? what do we want ?”), presentation of the work done in UNESCO by representatives of WOSM and WAGGGS, presentation of the 2012 Roverway in Finland by young scouts and guides, where we are on the project of Twinning between the NSGF of Ivory Coast and of France.
But, over all, after the speeches of representatives of the UNHCR, of the Musée du Quai Branly, and of Aviation without Border, we launched the <operation “toys” for refugee children>. The toys we are going to collect will be stored in the famous Museum of First Arts (Quai Branly) and brought by Aviation without Border to Syrian refugee children in camps in Turkey at the end of February 2013.
It was a beautiful day that we ended with songs.