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Another collection of Fellowship Toys from UK ready for Jordan

UK Fellowship Toy Shrewsbury 02On Wednesday 2nd April a collection of Toys collected by Guides and Brownies, Cubs and Beavers in Shrewsbury were started on the journey to Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan.

These toys had been packed by UK Guild members and Rotarians from the Shrewsbury Darwin Rotary Club.

The 39 boxes containing over 900 toys will be added to the next shipment being prepared to be sent to Jordan.

The collection of toys is part of the United Kingdom's contribution to the Fellowship Toy Appeal which is being undertaken in partnership with the UNHCR, Aviation Without Borders, GIST Limited which is part of the Linde Group who has a foundation that works with charities and the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.

UK Fellowship Toy Shrewsbury 01The final part of our collection will take part during our Annual Meeting in May in Northumberland.

On the photo: (left) Jane Wardropper and Liz Aveston