International Projects Team Report Haiti October 2010
Haiti Pre and Post Earthquake 2010
During the ISGF World Committee meeting in March 2010 it was decided that ISGF will continue to support the NorthernHaitiSchool project in Grison Garde.
The mandate is to continue building the Scouting and Guiding Spirit throughout the school and village. Haiti 2011 Team started raising funds to purchase chairs for all the children at the school. Our team has raised over one thousand US dollars to purchase chairs for the students in Grison Garde by collecting metal, pop cans and cash donations.
Photo: The shipment being loaded for International Rescue by Linda C. Bates and Martin Massema who also accompanied this shipment to Port-au-Prince Haiti in April of 2010.
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pdf Haiti report International Projects Team October 2010 (66 KB)