ISGF Global Project in Haiti - part 2
Photos from the ISGF Team during their June 2017 Mission to Haiti. A comprehensive written by all ISGF team members will be available soon.
Photos from the ISGF Team during their June 2017 Mission to Haiti. A comprehensive written by all ISGF team members will be available soon.
First live report from the ISGF Team visiting Haiti from 24 – 29 June 2017
As many of you may remember, six years ago, in 2010, Haiti suffered a very bad earthquake. That year the National Fellowship ADSEGAH and the Central Branch group CASEGAH USA asked for medical support and many countries helped.
Since then nothing else happened and the needs are still there. We invite you to please help us to continue our work in support of the Haitian people.
ISGF project HAITI 2016 focuses on some of those urgent needs:
• Build the Headquarters of the National Girl Guide Association of Haiti
Update December 2016: For the time being, no funds have been transferred to the Girl Guide Association of Haiti because the project was to be carried out in partnership with several sponsors in addition to ISGF. As you may understand, this project cannot be implemented with the sole support of ISGF. Therefore the project will be considered as pending by ISGF until other sponsors get involved as expected.
• Complete the fence of the Orphanage “Enfant Haitien Mon Frére”, supported by the ADSEGAH, Fellowship from Haiti.Update 8 May 2017: The Orphanage ‘Enfant Haïtien Mon Frère’ received US$ 5,000 from ISGF for the building of its fence. The fence/wall is now completely built. The next required step is to put a belt of concrete to consolidate it, which will be done with the remaining amount. It is on a hectare of field and is made of building blocks. It makes the land secured and thus it prevents from property theft.
Agricultural students from the Action Toward Initiatives and Volunteering for Education in Haiti group (Activeh), under guidance of an agronomist, are responsible for enhancing the field by preparing the soil in order to plant vegetables that will allow the children to eat organic food. It will also reduce the expenditure regarding the purchase of vegetables. Later, fruit trees will be planted. If they did not have to face a problem of water, they would have already started planting. However the cleaning of the premises is already done. Subsequently a tractor will do the plowing.
• Refurnish the newly constructed School Carmen René Durocher, supported by the Girl Guide Association
Update 08 May 2017: The School ‘Carmen René Durocher’ received US$ 7,000 to buy the required furniture. An ISGF delegation will go to Haiti to see how the projects are going and they will bring school supplies, games etc.
Special ISGF Haiti pins (clutch fastener - 2 cms round) are available for sale at 3€ each at World Bureau
For the PowerPoint presentation with the video included you need QuickTime. document Haiti 2016 presentation - English (92.90 MB)
pdf Project Haiti 2016 - EN = (1.51 MB) PDF presentation without the video
Linda Bates (right), ex World Committee member from Canada, is ready to bring another shipment to Haiti together with members of our Central Branch group CASEGHA from the USA.
Linda Bates, former World Committee Member from Canada, has just returned from the ISGF International Development Project in Haiti with team members from Canada, CASEGHA and other parts of the USA. They were working at the school in Grison Garde, Northern Haiti, which was started in 2008 (see this link). Travelling at the same time were Medical and Dental teams from USA and Canada who were supporting the Clinic in Grison-Garde.
This article appeared in “Frontenac News” on 21 May 2011, the local newspaper in Verona, Ontario, Canada.
Linda Bates, International Project coordinator, has brought a new shipment to Haiti together with five volunteers.
The intention was that the shipment should have delivered much earlier but because of natural disasters and political restless situation any action on delivering goods had to be postponed. Sixteen volunteers sorted, labeled and packed medical supplies worth $150,000.00 USD in 15 suitcases weighing just less than 700 lbs.
Haiti Pre and Post Earthquake 2010
During the ISGF World Committee meeting in March 2010 it was decided that ISGF will continue to support the NorthernHaitiSchool project in Grison Garde.
An earthquake devastated country Haiti on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. CASEGHA reacted that same week by calling a special Board meeting on the 16th of January, and an extraordinary general meeting took place on Saturday 24.
Note of the editor: CASEGHA (Association des Anciens Scouts et Guides d’Haiti) is a group of 100 enthusiastic adults from Haiti but living in the state of New York, USA. They are members of ISGF via Central Branch.
Canada, 18 February 2010
Linda Bates, who works as an educational assistant at Sydenham High School, Canada, is also the projects coordinator of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF). Before the earthquake, struck on January 12, 2010, her role as ISGF coordinator in Haiti had been set up and rebuild schools and to bring scouting to northern Haiti. After the devastating quake Bates’ role shifted somewhat and as she explained, “The ISGF’s role is now focusing on getting medical supplies into the country to assist those who have been injured in the quake”.
pdf Article Haiti relief Frontenac News 18 Feb 2010 (64 KB)
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