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National Fellowships

Austrian Fellowship revived disaster fund “Aktion 100”

beer label austria aktion 100 1The Austrian Scout and Guide Fellowship, Pfadfinder-Gilde Österreichs (PGO), revived an action under the name “AKTION 100” for Scouts in need.

It was former Chairman World Committee Ferry Partsch (1983 – 1985) who launched the idea in 1988. Together with a team he put together the campaign that every new Austrian guild member pays €10 for the fund.

Besides “Aktion 100” has been extended with the idea is to sell beer bottles for €4,00 which bottles are provided with a special label. The beer is bottled by a young company “Leopoldauer Brauhandwerk” and the proceeds will go to “Aktion 100”. Beer is often bought for a gift at various events such as Christmas, birthday parties etc.

The purpose of the fund is to provide rapid assistance in emergencies for people who got into an emergency through no fault of their own, be it through illness, the death of a family member, natural disasters or accidents. Guild members and their families should be helped quickly and unbureaucratically. Today, with the help of charity events of the individual guilds (concerts, flea markets, readings, cooking, tips from various bars, ...), but also across the borders with advertising at international events money is collected throughout Austria. Every euro flows directly into the fund and is paid out again.

Since “Aktion 100” began, the Fellowship has been able to pay € 84,150.00 to 55 people affected as support. They can continue to help through these donations.

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