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Central Branch

Central Branch group Brazil present themselves at JamCam 2020

2020 jamcam 03JamCam took place in Foz Do Iguaçu, Brazil. The event comprised the16th Interamerican Scout Jamboree and 3rd Interamerican Scout Camporee. It was held from 4 to 10 January 2020 with eight thousand participants from 21 countries. There were mascots Tuko (toucan), Guany (iguana) and Amber (fox), which represented South, Central and North America respectively. The city of Foz do Iguaçu is famous for being close to the border with Paraguay and Argentina, as well as it possesses natural attractions such as Iguazu Falls and the Bird’s Park. The theme was: “America: Continent of Diversity”

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Renewal of ISGF membership of Canadian members during Brotherhood Camporee

2019 canada new membersAn international Camporee spans over a third of scouting history and it marked the 46th camp being hosted in Canada this time.  The annual Camporee attracted 1,600 participants from Scouts Canada and BSA. The Loyalist Area (Canadian) Committee co-hosted with Longhouse Council BSA and they hold the camp on alternating years in the respective countries.

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Renewing the promise in Uruguay

uruguay st george day 2018 2The Central Branch group “Fraternidad de Antiguos Scouts y Guias del Uruguay” (FASGU) celebrated St George’s Day on April 26 instead of 23 April as on that day there was a national public holiday in Uruguay.

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