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Central Branch

Guatemala explains why they should become member

guatemala storiesGuatemala joined ISGF Central Branch since 13 September 2020. At the moment there are already 150 members in the ATZ Fraternidad de Scouts y Guias Guatemala. Recently they held a ceremony in order to renew their promise. Why are they joining ATZ Guatemala? Some members explained their motivation and renewal.

The history of groups of Scouts and Guides in Guatemala is a faithful reflection of its importance in the formation of children and adults in this country.

There are three significant points:
1. The record of the visit made by Lady Baden-Powell to our group.
2. The number of leaders, more than fifty, have obtained their certification as Wood Badges in different sections and degrees.
3. Due to its characteristics is a faithful reflection of the capacities developed by its members is that six have held the position of Chief National Scout.

For some more and for others less, but some time ago we had the opportunity to live a healthy youth, full of challenges, companionship, joy that united us and distinguished us from other infants and young people to wear a uniform.
That beautiful stage of our life has passed and now we have to find ourselves with different challenges and paths, living with our families as the great centers of attention on which our life revolves (all of us or the vast majority, married, with children and some with grandchildren); in such a way that, the youthful times do not return more than through our memories.
However, now we have a unique opportunity to reconnect with those scout/guide brothers and sisters with whom we live that special adventure of meetings, camps, walks, bonfires etc. And with that we have to get to know each other again and get the Scout/Guide Spirit again.

We need to share experiences and knowledge but even more to continue to enhance Guatemala and continue to be a positive example to humanity.


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I thank God, ATZ, and ISGF for allowing me to reconnect with Scouting at this stage in my life. A great honor to be part of this brotherhood. Always ready to serve
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