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Fellowship Day - 25 October 2020

fd2020 image websiteDear ISGF members,

This day will probably be one quite different from what we are used to but sure the members of National Scout and Guide Fellowships and Central Branch will come up with some ways to make this day memorable.

It has been interesting to follow up on ISGF website ( how all sorts of activities are done all over the world. Even though we are not allowed to meet physically it can be done virtually and many good projects have been mentioned on the website. People find ways to support the communities and scouts.

These are exceptional times for our members. The World Committee wants to re-assure you that ISGF is here to support you during this challenging period. At this moment nobody knows how and when we can meet physically again. Many gatherings have been postponed and so it was for the 29th World Conference in Madrid. Right now, both the Host Committee of Spain and World Committee are working on making that happen in August 2021. If not possible, there will be other ways or perhaps another time.

The only thing we know for sure is that we have a challenge. Let us bear in mind that every new day is an opportunity. We cannot change the past, we do not know what the future will bring to us, all we have is each new day. It is up to us to make the best of it. Keep in touch, don’t regret any day. Some days make us happy other days are not as happy, but they help us grow and add experience to life.  I wish you enough sunshine to brighten your life and enough rain so you can appreciate the sun; enough joy to strengthen your soul and enough difficulties so you can appreciate all the little things that make us happy.

Wish you all a fruitful Fellowship Day. Keep safe.

On behalf of ISGF World Committee
Elin Richards
PR & Communication

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day message (84 KB)

pdf 2020 Weltfreundschaftstag (200 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day Europe Region (123 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day sub-region Central Europe (86 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day Western Hemisphere Region (110 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day NSGF Germany (535 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day NSGF Maldives (689 KB)

pdf 2020 Fellowship Day NSGF Austria (1.10 MB)


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