Logo of the Gathering
Location of the Gathering in Argentina, province of Cordoba
A small city of 1500 inhabitants
The house of the Franciscan sisters
The logo of this missionary
Simple rooms along a corridor
Ready for the opening to hoist the flags of participating countries
Hoisting the flags of Argentina, Curaçao, Netherlands and Uruguay
Handover of the official ISGF membership certificate to Argentina
They are very proud and happy to be a NSGF
Omar Coppa (NP NSGF) and Mirian Vanzetti (member South America subregion) lead the Gathering
The participants with their coat on because of the cold
Going through the programme
Stretching the legs outside or drinking mate (traditional South American caffeine drink)
International evening: chocolate and wooden shoes from the Netherlands
International evening: Curaçao with many handmade articles
International evening: Uruguay with a lot of information about their country
International evening: Argentina with memorablia from several local guilds
Official outfit of the Central Branch Coordinator
Ready for the excursion tour